Partnership for Enhancing Teaching and Leadership in Science (PETALS)

Below are the program levels within PETALS, along with descriptions of the responsibilities for Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) at each level and the desired qualifications for each position.
PETALS Program Details
What do UTAs do?
Attend weekly instructional team meetings
Develop skills needed for teaching and supporting student learning
Learn course material and activities
Learn basic course policies
Learn teaching techniques and pedagogy relevant to the class
Co-host 1–2 office hours per week with another UTA or a grad TA and/or assist students on SLACK
Co-host exam review sessions
Evaluate the UTA experience at the end of the semester
Submit an end-of-semester reflection
Facilitate in-class discussions and answer student questions when relevant
Proctor exams when relevant
Assist with the preparation of course materials when relevant
Who can serve as an UTA?
Any student who has previously completed the course they are applying to be an UTA for with an A- or higher
Students who demonstrate high reliability (as evidenced by references)
Students how demonstrate a strong understanding and grasp of biological material
Students must have an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher and a major GPA of 3.5 or higher
Students who demonstrate strong social skills (as evidenced by references and interviews)
Level 1: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
What do Sr. UTAs do?
Sr. UTAs carry out all of the same roles as UTAs plus those listed below.
Additional teaching responsibilities
Train and mentor UTAs
Hold one to two office hours per week alone or with an UTA and monitor Slack
Host exam reviews
Leadership responsibilities
Serve as a project manager for special projects
Onboard and support new UTAs
Who can serve as a Sr. UTA?
Many of our UTAs will be promoted to the status of Senior ATA during their tenure in the program. Especially considering the selective nature of our UTAs, Senior UTAs are superstars! This promotion evidences not only exceptional work but also a dedication to the position that has resulted in the knowledge needed to be an excellent mentor of new ATAs. These are the additional qualities required to be promoted to Senior UTA:
At least one year of experience in PETALS
High reliability (as evidenced during tenure on the staff, and stepping in for other UTAs whenever possible)
Highly equitable (record of always doing their share)
High conscientiousness (record of careful, thorough work)
Highly compassionate (shows compassion for students, but not a push-over)
High accountability (admits to own mistakes and cleans up own messes)
Setting an excellent example for other UTAs (reliability, workload, attitude, policy adherence, professionalism)
Knowledgeable (mastered many facets of the work, now trusted with training and mentorship of new UTAs)
Level 2: Senior Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
What does the Lead UTA do?
Teaching and mentoring responsibilities
Hold one exam review session before each exam
Holding office hours is optional
Lead material reviews for Sr. UTAs and UTAs as necessary
Support UTAs and Sr. UTAs when they need tips for explaining content to students
Organize monthly chats with Sr. UTAs and UTAs to allow students to ask career-based questions.
Leadership responsibilities
Communicate directly with the instructor regarding any issues that Sr. UTAs or UTAs have noticed in the class.
Supervise Sr. UTAs and UTAs (ensure policy adherence and that everyone is pulling their load)
Assist in the UTA selection process: interviewing and selection decisions
Assist with identifying Sr. UTAs' and UTAs’ strengths/weaknesses. Assist instructor in giving them a chance to contribute with strengths, grow with weaknesses
Bi-weekly meeting with the instructor
Assist with onboarding, training, and mentoring new UTAs
Assist in organizing and hosting UTA orientation
Help foster a sense of community among the instructional team
Take on special projects of interest if relevant
Who can serve as the Lead UTA?
We do not always have a Lead UTA. The Lead UTA is not determined by seniority but rather is selected based on qualifications. These are the additional qualities sought in Lead ATA. The following qualifications are what we look for in a Lead UTA.
High conscientiousness (rarely misses anything)
Highly compassionate (shows compassion for others, but not a push-over)
Equitable (always doing their part)
High reliability (record of going above and beyond to help and support other Sr. UTAs and UTAs)
Problem solver (creative problem solver, helps to prevent problems)
Highly observant (identifies unique strengths of Sr. UTAs and UTAs and uses/helps develop them)
Sacrificing (willing to sacrifice extra time/effort in the rare case of an emergency)
Highly accountable (admits to mistakes, cleans up own messes and learns from them, shares credit for successes)
Highly knowledgeable (mastered virtually all facets of the work, a record of exceptional training/mentoring)
The potential to be an excellent democratic leader